it is finished!

Hello!  have not had a chance to post in several weeks, but one item I have been working on is finished!!   In the photo you see a part of a quilt I made for my daughter……I began the project last October, for her birthday in December…. my idea was to embroider her favorite Ponies (from My Little Pony Friendship is Magic)
 and it was just about complete in time for her birthday! Hooray! but then…. the gift started to grow into something more than 3 embroidered pony pictures :)   I hope to show more on this blog in frequent posts!I learned so very many new things!! by way of many mistakes :D

(Jesus said) I have glorified thee on the earth:
 I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.
 john 17:4

Peacocks Dream, The Designer

When you see something designed, such as these beautiful, simple and lovely earrings, you see the distinctive mark of the designer. Here, it is the gifted and talented artist Renata Gebauerova

This is her design; it is available on fabric
the “mark” ~ the ” fingerprint”, the design, is unmistakeably hers –

The design on this tee shirt, also her design, which is on fabric as well, is unmistakeably
Rencha …..:) cheerful, joyous, chic and lovely – her designs are one of a kind……

They reflect her –
renule etsy
rencha redbubble
renule fabric designs
rencha zazzle
Her designs are quite intricate, and beautiful – they do not happen in a blink and yet – she creates them ~

The peacock’s feathers detailed and intricate more than one can imagine just by looking…….
Excellent article on the design and engineering of peacock feathers
by Stuart Burgess, Professor of Design and Nature, Head of Department, Mechanical Engineering, University of Bristol (UK) here
(figure 2; Stuart Burgess)